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How to Configure XenServer PVS-Accelerator?


This article describes the method to enable XenServer PVS-Accelerator feature.
Note: This feature is only available in XenServer 7.1 and PVS 7.thirteen or later.


Customers should complete the following iii major steps in XenServer and PVS to use the PVS-Accelerator feature:

Footstep i: Install the PVS-Accelerator Supplemental Pack
Before the following steps, brand sure XenServer has Enterprise Edition or XenDesktop/XenApp entitlement license.

  1. Download the PVS-Accelerator supplemental pack (ISO file) from XenServer Product Downloads page to a location on your calculator.
  2. From the XenCenter menu, select Tools and so Install Update.
  3. Read the information on the Before Y'all Start page and then select Next to go along.
  4. On the Select Update page, cull Select update or supplemental pack from disk. Click Browse to add the supplemental pack and then click Adjacent to continue.

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  1. On the Select Servers folio, select the puddle or server to which y'all would like to apply the supplemental pack and and so click Next. This uploads the supplemental pack to the default SR of the puddle or the server.

Note: If the default SR in a pool is not shared, or does non accept enough space, XenCenter tries to upload the supplemental pack to some other shared SR with sufficient space. If none of the shared SRs have sufficient space, the supplemental pack volition be uploaded to local storage on each server.

  1. The Upload folio displays the status of the upload. If there is any error, click More Info for details and take necessary action to resolve the fault.
  2. After the file is successfully uploaded, XenCenter performs a series of prechecks to make up one's mind whether the supplemental pack can be practical onto the selected servers and displays the result. Follow the on-screen recommendations to resolve any failed Prechecks.
  3. On Update Fashion page, choose an appropriate mode. If you click Abolish at this stage, the Install Update magician will revert the changes and removes the supplemental pack from the SR.
  4. Click Install update to proceed with the installation.
  5. When the supplemental pack installation is complete, click Finish to close the wizard. The newly installed supplemental pack will be displayed in the Updates section on the General tab of the host or the pool.

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The PVS tab appears at the puddle-level (or host-level if there is no pool) in XenCenter, as the following picture shows.

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Step 2: Configuring PVS-Accelerator in XenServer

Configuration of PVS-Accelerator includes calculation a new PVS Site and specifying the PVS cache storage. For information of enshroud storage, see XenServer PVS-Accelerator Cache Storage Considerations.

PVS-Accelerator configuration in XenServer can be done using XenCenter or the xe CLI, choose either choice below to configure.

     Option 1: Configuring PVS-Accelerator in XenServer using XenCenter

  1. Click on the puddle or the standalone host and then select the PVS tab.
  2. Click Configure PVS-Accelerator.
  3. On the PVS Cache Configuration wizard, click Add PVS Cache Configuration to add a PVS site.

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  • Enter a name for the PVS site in the Site name field.
  • For each host in the pool, specify what cache should be used:
  • When you lot select Memory merely, the feature will use upwardly to the specified cache size in the Control Domain memory. This option is only available after additional retention has been assigned to the Control Domain.
  • When you lot select a Storage Repository (SR), the feature volition use up to the specified cache size on the SR. It will also implicitly apply bachelor control domain memory as a best endeavour cache tier.


  • If neither Memory only nor an SR is specified, the read enshroud will not be activated.
  • Click OK. The new PVS site and the called cache storage configuration volition be added in XenServer.
  1. Click OK. The new PVS site and the called enshroud storage configuration will be added in XenServer.

     Pick two: Configuring PVS-Accelerator in XenServer using the CLI

  1. Run the following command to create a PVS site configuration on XenServer:

PVS_SITE_UUID=$(xe pvs-site-introduce name-label= <My PVS Site> )

  1. For each host in the puddle, specify what cache should be used. You can choose to store the cache on a storage repository (SR) or in the Control Domain Retention.

Configuring Cache Storage on a Storage Repository

  • Run the following control to observe the UUID of the SR that should be used for caching:

xe sr-listing name-characterization= <SR-name-label> host= <host-proper noun-label> --minimal

  • Create the cache-storage.

xe pvs-enshroud-storage-create host= <host-name-label> pvs-site-uuid= <PVS_SITE_UUID> sr-uuid= <SR_UUID> size= <n GiB>

When selecting a Storage Repository (SR), the characteristic will employ up to the specified cache size on the SR. It will also implicitly use available Command Domain retentivity as a best attempt cache tier.

Configuring Cache Storage in the Control Domain Retentivity

  • Run the following command to observe the UUID of the host that should be used for caching:

xe host-listing name-label= <host-proper name-label> --minimal

  • Create an SR of the special type tmpfs:

xe sr-create type=tmpfs proper noun-label= <MemorySR> host-uuid= <HOST_UUID> device-config:uri=""

  • Run the post-obit command to create the enshroud storage:

xe pvs-cache-storage-create host=<host-name-label> pvs-site-uuid=<PVS_SITE_UUID> sr-uuid=<SR_UUID> size=<n GiB>

<SR_UUID>is the UUID of the SR created in second footstep.

Step three: Completing the Cache Configuration in PVS

After configuring PVS-Accelerator in XenServer, perform the following steps to complete the cache configuration for the PVS Site from PVS server.

Launch the PVS Administrator Console:

  1. Navigate to the PVS Site.
  2. Select the PVS Site, right-click to expose a contextual menu.
  3. Choose the appropriate wizard based on the deployment, XenDesktop Setup Wizard or Streamed VM Setup Wizard.

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  1. Select the option Enable PVS-Accelerator for all Virtual Machines to enable the PVS-Accelerator characteristic.

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  1. If you are enabling vDisk caching for the first fourth dimension, the XenServer screen appears on the Streamed Virtual Auto Setup wizard. Information technology displays the listing of all PVS Sites configured on XenServer that have non nonetheless been associated with a PVS Site. Using the drop-down menu, select a PVS Site to apply PVS-Accelerator.

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Note that this screen will not be displayed when you run the wizard for the same PVS site using the aforementioned XenServer host

  1. Click Next to complete the caching configuration.
  2. Click Stop to provision XenDesktop or Streamed VMs and acquaintance the selected PVS Site with the PVS Accelerator in XenServer.


  • PVS target devices are enlightened of their proxy status. One time the capability is installed, no additional configuration is required.
  • In environments where multiple PVS servers are deployed (that is, PVS HA) with the same VHD, but have different file organization timestamps, information may be cached multiple times. Due to this limitation, Citrix recommends using VHDX format, rather than VHD for vDisks.

Later above configurations, we tin can meet configured PVS servers from XenCenter:

  1. Click on the pool or the standalone host and so select the PVS tab.
  2. Click Configure PVS cache. The View PVS Servers push will be enabled in XenCenter.
  3. Click the View PVS Servers push, it displays the IP addresses of all PVS Servers associated with the PVS site.

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You can too become PVS server list from xe CLI:

[root@xenserver-71 pvsproxy-state]# xe pvs-server-list params=all
uuid ( RO)             : c8dc12f5-94f9-4492-b5c8-2c6183fca617
        addresses (SRO): 192.168.67.forty
       first-port ( RO): 6901
        last-port ( RO): 6930
    pvs-site-uuid ( RO): 088ffd68-ff12-1409-6639-ed8b7cf4fb26

Additional Resource


Source: https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX220735

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